Zone B Independent Project

401 Richmond, Front Steps, 401 Richmond Street West, front steps

401 Richmond, front steps - Lo Bil

A Professional Occupassion

Lo Bil (performance artist-writer), Lisa Cristinzo (installation artist)

Installation, Performance Art

Connect flesh to building, desire to structure, brain to concrete. Fantasy or nightmare – the 401 complex becomes the artist’s body and we are invited to wander through it. Join this amusing interactive poetry tour and enter into a project of documenting HOW it means to feel at home in this crazy city. After a city-wide tour of “Professional Occupations” Lo Bil stages her answer to the question: how does the daily intelligence of conversation and the living process of art-making change when it becomes a published/consumable/repeatable unit of commerce? And what does it really mean to be a Professional Artist - to be inspired by everything seen, able to initiate interesting conversations, and dedicated to expressing cultural experiences that can renew how all citizens respond to their city? Or are artists just business people who can’t afford a suit?

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