Independent Projects

Chris Chung

Mouvement Perpétuel

Chris Chung - Toronto, Canada

Video Installation

Mouvement Perpétuel, 2013

The drip of water, a whirling zoetrope, the flowing limbs of a dancer – the illusion of motion in cinema is explored through interval manipulation.

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Mouvement Perpétuel is a series of short videos that experiment with an augmented experience of reality through the movement of dance. Through the lens of the camera the individual becomes fractured into multiple selves and our understanding of space and time morphs beyond the experience of the everyday.

The dancer is framed in an environment that we can recognize and understand but reality has been altered and we are invited to explore our relationship to this altered reality through the dance. 

Special Thanks to:
Deborah Radbourne – Choreographer
Chelsea Omel – Choreographer
Abbey Marrison – Dancer
Claire Whitaker – Dancer
Julie Wang – Dancer
Kaitlin Nvechterlein – Dancer
Alexandra Sage – Dancer
Samy J – Camera

Suitable for all ages


Commerce Court, King Street West & Bay Street (Viewable from outside.)

This project is outdoors.