Scotiabank Nuit Blanche

Zone C Independent Project

The Do.Crew, We Are Water, 2011
Trinity Bellwoods Park
Queen Street West at Strachan Avenue
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The Do.Crew

We Are Water

Chloe Rose - Toronto, Canada
Ava Downey - Toronto, Canada
Taylor Lemaire - Toronto, Canada
Grace Rooke - Toronto, Canada
Sam Earle - Toronto, Canada
The Do.Crew - Toronto, Canada


Access to water is an issue in Canada. Approximately 30% of our own nation's people do not have direct access to fresh potable water from municipal water facilities; a large percentage of whom are indigenous peoples living on native reserves nationwide.  Why is this when we are living in a country with an abundance of fresh water?

4 teenagers have designed a 1600 sq ft maze built with walls made of recycled cans.  This design was inspired by Michael Reynolds Earthship concept because of its sustainable building techniques and water harvesting systems. Audience members will be invited to navigate maze in an attempt to reach the 'centre orb' where they will find a fountain of fresh flowing water, pennies for wishing, information about water scarcity in Canada, and an invitation to sign a petition arguing for equal access to potable water nationwide.


Suitable for all ages